switching code

英 [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ kəʊd] 美 [ˈswɪtʃɪŋ koʊd]

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  1. USC-2 requires no code page switching, code extensions or code states.
  2. Switching database vendors or trying to cluster the database servers would mean changing all your front end code.
  3. Switching quickly back and forth between Java code and natives ( as indicated by timestamps) can indicate the wrong boundary between Java code and natives, leading to poor performance.
  4. One of the benefits of switching to a functional mindset is the realization that tests exist to check that changes occur successfully in code.
  5. However, it is not possible to optimize a hardware context switch, while there might be room for improving the current switching code.
  6. The Influence of Task Difficulty on Focus Switching and the Activation of Focused Code
  7. Static Analysis tools that work on source are best served by switching to ruby_parser, mostly because it doesn't require code changes ( ruby_parser's output is the same as ParseTree's).
  8. But there is a key difference between interrupt handling and process switching: the code executed by an interrupt or by an exception handler is not a process.
  9. Switching to a CDN is a relatively easy code change that will dramatically improve the speed of your web site.
  10. This paper analyzes code switching based on signal detection theory and manifests the internal relationships between code switching and signal detection theory.
  11. An SS/ CDMA system can provide both multiple access and switching to a multibeam geostationary fixed satellite service. The uplink access method is based on CDMA, the downlink on code division multiplexing ( CDM), and the onboard switching on code division switching ( CDS).
  12. Histone Code code switching Part code copied jamming and distance deceiving jamming is valid.
  13. The Multimode Controller Based on Fuzzy Switching Programmable Controller code switching
  14. 3-An Approach of Window Switching for Low Code Rate Audio Compression Coding
  15. The Clock Domain Switching Techniques Based on Gray Code and Its Application
  16. As a result, the M: N TCP switching protocol based on request packet is proposed. Then an implementation under Linux system is given. The code that I wrote works as a special module in Linux network kernel.
  17. Code switching means two or more language varieties are used in one conversation.
  18. This paper proposes a new optical switching technology, optical code label burst switching, or OC-LBS.
  19. Code switching the code is programmed with C; The compilation and interpretation method is used to compile the Numerical Control ( NC) code.
  20. Most teachers think that they tend to use more inter-sentential code switching. The most frequent uses of code switching are claimed to be for grammar instructions, classroom instructions, and text comprehension.